The Academy believes in excellence admission in The Academy is made purely on merit basis and seats are limited in each class students for admission tests are selected on the basis of selection test & their IQ level.
Class & Age
Nursery - 3 Years-4 Years.
LKG - 4 Years-5 Years
UKG - 5 Years-6 Years
I - 6 Years-7 Years
II - 7 Years-8 Years
III - 8 Years-9 Years
IV - 9 Years-10 Years
V - 10 Years-11 Years
VI - 11 Years-12 Years
VII - 12 Years-13 Years
VIII - 14 Years-15 Years
The admission form for admission along with prospectus can be obtained from the school office on payment of ₹500
Admission test will be of 2 hour duration, question will be set from CBSE syllabus of the preceding standard for which the admission is sought covering the following subject for class LKG-VIII.
(1) English (2) Hindi (3) Maths (4) GK (5) Science
Documents required at the time of admission
Birth certificate / age proof.
T. C./S.L.C. from the previous school.
Two latest passport size colour photographs.
Address proof (Any two) : Voter ID card / Adhaar Card and BPL Ration Card.
Bank Passbook, Gas Card, Electric Bill, Driving Licence.
Adhaar card [Mother, Father and Candidate
Please Download Admission Form